Crash processing is taking 3 minutes to complete

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

Jaroslaw S requested a Jira be put in for this issue, their logs are attached to the AnswerHub post: "Based on the logs, it looks like he is getting the callstack now. I noticed that one part of th ...

Visual Studio is required to create a new Blueprint script component

Tools - May 26, 2015

If a user does not have visual studio installed, they are not able to create new Blueprint script components and are given the error message "No compiler was found. In order to use C++ code, you mus ...

Ctrl-Z does not function in Static Mesh Editor

Tools - May 26, 2015

When applying a Material to a Static Mesh in the SM Editor, an event for the undo function is never created and when you undo you are undoing the last action outside of the SM Editor. Also reproduc ...

Hidden enumerator variables can cause the enumerator to become broken with the Select node in blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 26, 2015

If a user makes an enumerator in C++ and sets one of the variables to Hidden and doesn't make it the last variable of the enum, it will cause issues with the numbering of the enum when using the Sel ...

With root motion, AnimSeq moves in Persona when Additive Anim is enabled

OLD - Anim - May 26, 2015

Animation Sequence preview moves from the origin with root motion enabled and either local or mesh space selected for the Additive Anim Type. Example Project: [Link Removed] ...

OnOpening for the ComboBox(string) fires off when ever the widget is clicked not just when opening

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 26, 2015

The Combo box (String)'s On Opening event fires off whenever the user clicks the combo box. This means that the opening event will fire off on closing as well as opening. ...

Mass is not calculated if an object's Collision Enabled field is set to No Physics Collision even when Simulating Physics

UE - Foundation - Core - May 22, 2015

If an actor has 'Simulate physics' enabled and the Collision Enabled field is set to anything other than Collision Enabled (i.e. OverlapAll sets this to No Physics Collision) then mass is reset to 1 ...

Importing a Mesh with a Translucent Material from Max or Maya ignores opacity

Tools - May 22, 2015

When you import a Mesh with the import Materials / Import Textures checked ture from Max or Maya that has Opacity or an Opacity Mask set up on the model's material, the opacity settings and ignored ...

Map disappearing from project

Tools - May 21, 2015

It's been reported that maps are going missing from projects and while they're showing up within the Windows Explorer folders, they're not showing up within UE4. You cannot migrate them in, import t ...

Editor not properly handling frame ranges for 60fps animations

OLD - Anim - May 21, 2015

The editor does not seem to be handling frame ranges properly for 60fps animations. Say you have a 200 frame animation that spans frame 0-200. Upon import it will be 201 frames. If you set the ra ...