Widgets will not continue to tick when out of view

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 20, 2015

If the player uses Event tick to set the position of a widget blueprint with in the viewport and the widget then leaves the bounds of the viewport the widget will then no longer update so that it ca ...

Interface functions inherited after a duplicated actor blueprint is reparented to the blueprint it was duplicated from cannot be deleted.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 16, 2015

Interface functions inherited after a duplicated actor blueprint is re-parented to the blueprint it was duplicated from cannot be deleted. Note that the inherited function can be deleted in a new ac ...

Child Actor Component Not Destroyed When Parent BP Is Replaced in Scene

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 16, 2015

Having an actor in the level with a child actor component, replacing it with another copy of itself, and deleting the copy results in a Child Actor remaining in the world outliner, which cannot be d ...

Editor Crashes When a Component and Actor Implement Two Interfaces

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 16, 2015

The editor crashes if you implement two blueprint interfaces in an actor blueprint, and then an actor component blueprint. These interfaces must have at least one function that returns a value. The ...

Using the down arrow key in the Toolbar's Blueprints > Open Blueprint Class sub-menu will immediately open the first Blueprint listed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2015

Using the down arrow key in the Toolbar's Blueprints > Open Blueprint Class sub-menu will immediately open the first Blueprint listed. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.10 Preview 1 binary, and Main (C ...

Render Target Cube appears dark in Reflections level.

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 15, 2015

Adding a render target cube to a Scene Capture Cube returns a very dark texture. ...

Editor Crashes When Packaging for iOS

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 15, 2015

Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] In a code-based project, Editor crashes when packaging for iOS if GameModeBP or other BP is opened. REGRESSION? No ...

Mouse pointer disappears on stopping when the cursor has a trail via the windows mouse options

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Oct 15, 2015

If the user has turned on the cursor trail for their computer and then opens up the puzzle template the cursor will sometimes disappear after moving the mouse around on the screen (The pointer disap ...

Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Oct 13, 2015

Add Movement Input does not work on any pawn that is not controlled by the player. Note: this worked in 4.7.6 and earlier. Test project attached. In it, the Player Controller controlled by the acti ...

Delete Unused Variables Does Not Remove Local Variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 13, 2015

Using the Delete Unused Variables option under the Edit tab of a blueprint does not remove local variables. Instead, it displays a "All variables are in use" error. Occurs in 4.9.2 and 4.8.3 binar ...