UV Coordinates and Gradients are behaving unexpectedly when run 1-0 (White on Top, Black on Bottom)

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 30, 2015

When multiplying a Gradient running from White on Top to Black on Bottom (1-0) by a Texture Coordinate, there are unexpected results rendered which is not seen when multiplying the Coordinate by a B ...

Edit-> Project Settings -> Collision -> Presets Has No Scroll Bar

Tools - Sep 30, 2015

If you open a project and immediately go to Edit-> Project Settings -> Collision and expand the Presets dropdown, no scroll bar will appear. This prevents you from being able to see all of the optio ...

Switch on custom enum causes compilation errors after Hot Reload

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 28, 2015

If the project is hot reloaded while a Switch on Enum is inside of a blueprint which is switching on a custom enum, the switch will become corrupted. It changes the 'selection' pin to take a Byte pa ...

Using the F key to focus the viewport camera on an actor does not work if the main editor window does not have focus

Tools - Sep 26, 2015

Using the F key to focus the viewport camera on an actor does not work if the main editor window does not have focus. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.1 binary, and Main (CL 2707185) ...

IsOverlappingActor is always returning false

UE - Gameplay - Sep 23, 2015

When you use the IsOverlappingActor node to determine whether or not something is overlapping another actor, it returns false regardless of whether or not you're actually overlapping another actor. ...

Derived Data Cache is included but not used in Kite Demo

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 23, 2015

We include an 8 GB DDC with Kite Demo, but the entire DDC is recalculated on project launch instead of using the included DDC. There is no information included in the DefaultEngine.ini file to refe ...

Renaming a struct variable with special characters shows no warning

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 23, 2015

When you go to rename a struct variable, there are no warnings that indicate that you cannot use special characters, but they are immediately deleted if you try to use them in the variable name. F ...

Editor crashes on user project when attempting to spawn an actor from a struct within user's project.

UE - Networking - Sep 23, 2015

Editor crashes when attempting to spawn an actor from a struct within user's project. Frequency: 5/5 crashreporter: [Link Removed] ...

Upgrading a code project from 4.8 to 4.9 results in the startup project in the Visual Studio solution changing from the game project to the UE4 project.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Sep 22, 2015

Upgrading a code project from 4.8 to 4.9 results in the selected startup project in the Visual Studio solution changing from the game project to the UE4 project. This results in unexpected behavior ...

Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 21, 2015

Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin. Note: this does not appear to affect their functionality as execution reroute no ...