PNG file import does not read R values correctly

UE - Texture - Aug 22, 2022

Looking at each value of the texture, it seems that the import of the R value is incorrect. PNG:[Link Removed] TGA:[Link Removed] ...

CompileAllBlueprints crashing on blueprint function with a delegate input.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Aug 19, 2022

In some scenarios, FPropertyDelegate::SignatureFunction can point to freed memory after a garbage collection run. This appears to be more common when running the CompileAllBlueprints commandlet. ...

Selection of foliage instances broken with nanite

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Aug 19, 2022

The selection of individual instances of a foliage HISM is broken, so that the instance is correctly outlined but the gizmo is placed over a different instance. If we delete the selected instance it ...

Gameplay ability blueprints cannot be debugged in multiplayer

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Aug 19, 2022

The object filter in the blueprint debugger can be used to filter breakpoints to a specific instance of an object. This is important for multiplayer because there will be multiple versions of the sa ...

Pose watches don't display correctly with compatible skeletons

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Aug 19, 2022

"Hello, we've found a quirk with ABP's pose watch and compatible skeletons. Same setup as above. We have skeleton A as the base and skeleton B as a compatible skeleton. They both share similar hiera ...

Blueprint functions with nested structs referencing UDataAssets generate errors if root not passed by value.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 17, 2022

The source of the error appears to be a stray DefaultValue="None" that's contained within the inner "Test_Nested_TestContainer" split pin (copy/paste the node to notepad to see this). If you refresh ...

Copying collapsed graph with a node with a custom Exec pin results in duplicate pin name

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 17, 2022

When duplicating a collapsed blueprint graph which has a node with a custom Exec pin, this results in blueprint compilation error that a duplicate named pin is found. Duplicated exec pins aren't ass ...

[AI] Navmesh does not generate correctly on a negatively scaled ISM.

UE - AI - Navigation - Aug 16, 2022

Setting a single axis of an ISM negative results in navmesh not being generated on top of it. However, setting 2 axes to negative scale does have the navmesh generate as is expected.  Also see more ...

Stride Warping in manual mode not activating correctly based on first StrideScale

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Aug 15, 2022

From licensee: If StrideScale is 1 the first time through, it initialises the StrideScaleModifierState to 1 and doesn't require updating so leaves the CachedDeltaTime at 0 by never calling Update_I ...