Licensee reports incorrect results with FindLocationClosestToWorldLocation when used with non-uniformly scaled spline components. ...
Reported by UDN [Link Removed] From Slack discussion: It seems that undo-ing the transaction in UAnimStateTransitionNode::UseSharedRules, leaves the outer graph (UAnimationStateMachineGraph) wit ...
There's a crash when "Play Quantized" is used on an Audio Component that was constructed via the functions "Create Sound 2D" or "Spawn Sound 2D" when the option 'Persist Across Level Transitions' is ...
Collapsed material attribute nodes cause an editor assertion crash in the material editor when viewed or opened. Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum): Array index out of bounds: 0 fr ...
There was a recent bug report that matched the description of some older cases (see linked UDN). The issue raised in those cases, [Link Removed], had been fixed, but the recent question seemed to in ...
When using Windows Text Scaling values that are not 100%, 3D widget labels are offset from the widget. [Image Removed] ...
When importing wav files with a higher bit depth than 16, any cue points on the file are stripped. ...
Ran into this while answering a UDN. A user was expecting to find the blueprint functions available to Editor Utility Blueprints after reparenting their actor to EditorUtilityActor. I confirmed that ...
When playing in "New Editor Window" mode, entering the r.setres command does not change the screen size. This worked in UE4.27, but no longer works in UE5.0. ...