Vector addition wildcard does not cast from integer to float (double-precision) when split apart vector pin is utilized. You can also utilize a Vector2D to get the same results. Repro Rate: 3/3 Te ...
Increasing the multiplier past a certain point causes sounds on a Quantization Boundary to struggle to play at the correct time. The repro above uses 1/32, but this also repros with other values. ...
Resizing the editor window or any floating panel causes the panel contents to jitter during drag. See attached images. The jittering one is from Main and the normal behavior was captured in UEFN. ...
Using a Landscape BP brush in a WP map causes SCC validation to fail: [2022.05.13-09.04.47:880][473]SourceControl: Error: Changelist validation failed! [2022.05.13-09.04.47:881][473]SourceControl: ...
Inputs in Sequencer don't update when a MetaSound is changed or if the Sound on an audio track is changed to a different asset. The Inputs cannot be added or removed manually. This leads to the user ...
Unreal Insights doesn't recognize USB-connected Android in UE5, even with the same flow as UE4.27. By the way, I checked UECommandLine.txt, but I didn't find any issue. It may be related to the nee ...
LogAutomationController: Error: LogEditCondition: WorldSettings - EditCondition attempted to use an invalid operand "WorldPartition". ...
Since JCenter is already obsolete, we will get an error when we try to use JCenter( e.g. project using Facebook SDK for Android). This issue can be solved by adding mavenCentral() to the repositor ...
The viewport is shifted by the IVideoRecordingSystem::SetRecording call. This problem occurs in play standalone mode and packaged build running as window mode. (not occur in fullscreen mode) The vie ...
Event dispatchers (i.e. delegate property values) are currently copied to the new instance when users copy/paste/dupe actors. However, this means that if you have an instance whose dispatcher is dy ...