[Audio Modulation]- Modulation of Pitch Destination on a Source Bus with a Parameter Patch affects Volume instead

UE - Audio - Modulation - Mar 20, 2024

Stepping in the inner area updates the Control Bus on the Patch, but the Modulation is applied to the Volume destination instead of Pitch. Reproduction rate: 5/5 This also occurs in //UE5/Release- ...

Meta Specifier BlueprintBaseOnly does not seem to work as intended

UE - Gameplay - Mar 19, 2024

Based on this case here:https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/case/500QP000006rnSEYAY/tsubclassof-with-metablueprintbaseonly-doesnt-appear-to-work From my testing the user seems to be correct. Applying th ...

When the Initial Position of an Animation Asset is entered outside the expected range, the animation gets stucked and does not refresh.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 18, 2024

The animation gets "corrupted" when the Initial Position value has an invaildad value. In this case, this means that the Initial Position value is outside the range of the duration of the Animation. ...

Support compatible skeletons for child montage

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Mar 17, 2024

Restricted Gameplay Tags cannot be added

UE - Gameplay - Mar 15, 2024

The Gameplay Tags settings have the option to set up restricted tags as described in the documentation. Prior to 5.3, the UI correctly supported creating new restricted tags as described in the old ...

Crash when double clicking on RowStruct's CurveEditor

UE - Editor - Applied Usability - Mar 15, 2024

This problem can be reproduced with UE5.3 even after applying fix [Link Removed]. We have verified this issue with UE5.1 and it is not reproduced.  ...

Performing seamless server travel while a Legacy Camera Shake with an Anim Sequence set is ongoing will cause a crash

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 14, 2024

When we server travel with seamless travel enabled, and a legacy camera shake with an anim sequence set is currently ongoing, we will get a crash due to the UMovieSceneEntitySystemLinker failing a c ...

Editor crashes when trying to focus a muted subsequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 13, 2024

It appears the hierarchy is invalid for muted sequences, so there is no context to focus them in.  ...

MapCheck warnings when opening a map using landscape override material

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 13, 2024

On NM_Client, GameplayDebugger defaults to green smiley for NPCs implying running BehaviorTree while AI info is unknown

UE - AI - Debugging - Mar 12, 2024

Context GameplayDebugger (Press ` in-game) displays a green smiley (AICON-Green) for AIControlled pawns that are running a BehaviorTree and a red angry face (AICON-Red) otherwise. If the AIControll ...