Morph target preview no longer possible in skeleton editor

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 23, 2023

The curve refactor did not add the curve debugger tab to the skeleton editor, which means that morph targets cannot be previewed there. It would be convenient for some users to still be able to do t ...

FCustomPrimitiveDataCustomization::SetVectorColor is closing the colorpicker and only updating the first channel

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 23, 2023

When it updates the red channel, the Simple Construction Script (SCS) gets re-run (via AActor::RerunConstructionScripts) on the Blueprint Actor instance generating new instances of all its component ...

Crash occurs when blueprint breakpoint is placed after a Draw Debug String node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 22, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL 26001984 The editor crashes when playing in editor on a level that has a break point placed on a ticking draw debug string node that is prec ...

VectorParameter UI display in the Layer Parameters Panel of MIC editor issue

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Aug 22, 2023

Channel Mask Parameter UI display discrepancy

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Aug 22, 2023

Raw Input plugin fails to process some negative values

UE - Gameplay - Input - Aug 22, 2023

Came from a UDN: [Link Removed] Proposed fix is to change `FRawInputWindows::ParseInputData` to use this logic instead: ``` ... USHORT BitSize = ValueCapsBuffer[iValue].BitSize; LONG SizeMask ...

.natvis for external modules is not supported

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Aug 22, 2023

Currently UBT supports linking in .natvis files when modules are compiled, this should be extended to pull in .natvis files from External modules that are linked into a module. Instead of scanning ...

No deprecation message with component bound event nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 21, 2023

It appears that only custom event nodes support a deprecation message. In fact, we need all nodes that use delegates in some fashion to support a custom deprecation message. Both UK2Node_ActorBoundE ...

Ensure occurs while duplicating world partitioned level by WorldPartitionRenameDuplicateBuilder commandlet

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Aug 21, 2023

The level seems to have been successfully copied. ...