[Audio Gameplay Volumes] - Updating components that effect audio when the listener is inside a Volume do not work when the listener spawns inside the volume

Audio-Gameplay-Engineering - Jun 6, 2023

Found while writing EngineTests for [Link Removed]. Appears to work the other way around (using Exterior volume and having the sound inside and the listener outside to start). This also occurs wh ...

Check in SetNetPushIdDynamic fails when deriving object from class with no replicated properties

UE - Networking - Jun 5, 2023

UHT will only emit the REPLICATED_BASE_CLASS macro and set the NeedsPushModelHeaders flag when the class has replicated properties. If a base class doesn't have any replicated properties, it will le ...

Objects without custom delta properties can return false for CanSkipUpdate with net.PushModelSkipUndirtiedReplication enabled

UE - Networking - Jun 5, 2023

This seems to occur after receiving a Nak for certain actors. FObjectReplicator::ReceivedNak will decrement SendingRepState.CustomDeltaChangeIndex even if the object has no custom delta properties. ...

Dormancy validation log warnings when COND_Never property changes

UE - Networking - Jun 2, 2023

FRepLayout::DiffProperties doesn't check if the property's conditions is COND_Never or if the Parent Cmd's flags have the ERepParentFlags::IsLifetime flag (which FRepLayout::InitFromClass doesn't se ...

Path Tracing shadow artifacts

UE - Graphics Features - Path Tracer - May 31, 2023

First picture lit is used [Image Removed] Second picture PT is used, this occurs under certain angles of incidence. [Image Removed] ...

Translucent Water renders dark with Lumen enabled.

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - May 30, 2023

Regression tested in 5.1 at CL 23901901 where the issue still occurs. The material will still have the normal and reflective properties. ...

ReflectionEnvironmentAndSky(1739x747,StrataMat=Off) looks to have tile artifacts

UE - Graphics Features - May 26, 2023

Reflection environement looks to be suffering tile classification artifacts ...

Combo triggers do not fire the "Completed" event

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 25, 2023

Cannot assign a MediaTexture asset to a Brush -> Image in Widget Blueprint

Media Framework - May 23, 2023

Can't assign Media Texture assets to the Brush->Image property in Images on Widget Blueprints. This workflow is explicitly mentioned as a step in these docs, so if this is no longer the correct meth ...