When the CurveLinearColor asset assigned to a CurveLinearColorAtlas is edited (e.g. change the colors of the gradient), the preview window of CurveLinearColorAtlas editor does not automatically upda ...
When reimporting meshes with changes to their material sections, specifically additions, there is no indication that there will be an issue on output of a generated mesh. Ideally, we can watch for a ...
A licensee who built their game on top of Lyra has reported that OnSpawn abilities, which is a feature provided by the LyraGameplayAbility base class via its ActivationPolicy, have a chance of faili ...
There is a mismatch in between the input and output value of vertex colors painted using the "Modeling Mode" vertex painting tool. The example in the licensee's case is that if they wanted a 0.25f v ...
UInstancedStaticMeshComponent::CreateSceneProxy() is missing a LLM_SCOPE(ELLMTag::InstancedMesh); and during level loading allocations for it appear in LoadMapMisc instead of InstancedMesh. Addi ...
Context Recast lets you configure multiple agent types in Project Settings > Navigation System > Supported Agents. When agents have unique settings such as agent radius, building a nav mesh results ...
Copy-paste the TestCode.h and TestCode.cpp into a module Activate the customization in the StartupModule() function ``` FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPro ...
If an IK Anim node is used in a post-process animation blueprint when that post-process blueprint is active in persona. It will crash attempting to get dynamically created goal components from an ac ...
Context The Recast module has a helper struct rcScopedDelete for allocating, resizing and automatically freeing the allocated memory when the struct goes out of scope. Its allocation functions can ...
When the camera is just outside of the box bounds and it is angled directly away from it , it will start rendering the particles again (as determined by stat GPU differences) despite being out of vi ...