The Tint setting under style for the slider bar in UMG does not appear to have an affect on the color of the widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 4, 2015

Changing the Slide bar Color/Slide Handle Color will change the color of the Slider widget. However when changing the "Tint" settings under style, there does not appear to be any color change. ...

Using Paint Verticies Single Color Node More Than Once Crashes Dev Build

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 10, 2016

[UPDATED INFO] After some testing I discovered that using the "Paint Vertices Single Color node" on event tick is what is causing the issue. Using this node with event begin play will not crash. Th ...

Folders in the content browser lose their color after being renamed

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Apr 18, 2019

Changing a folders color in the content browser does not stay if the folder is renamed. Changing the name back will result in the color changing back as well. ...

Lightmass GI doesn't work with Material-based color changes

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 4, 2015

A licensee is having trouble getting the visual results they want because Lightmass doesn't seem to handle color changes from materials. They are seeing this in 2 cases: (See attached images and tes ...

Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Has Color Fill When Selected

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 20, 2017

Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh have a fill color when selected. This isn't consistent with how static meshes appear when selected. Normally they only have a colored outline that appears. There i ...

Filling Vertex Colors does not propogate down to other LODs

Tools - Nov 19, 2018

The original reported behavior called out that filling individual channels did not apply to LODs when LOD Model Painting = False. With changes implemented in 4627582, the initial fill will reach LOD ...

Anim Notifies Color does not change when typing on the keyboard

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Oct 26, 2020

If change the color by dragging the mouse, it will be applied normally. ...

Material Instance color applied as Blendable gets overridden by Master Material's color

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 6, 2016

When applying a Post Process Material Instance as a blendable element in a Post Process Volume with the blend radius set higher than 0, the post process will blend the Master Material's inputs with ...

Font outlines do not multiply color and opacity from parent widgets

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 16, 2017

We don't currently multiply by the parent widget's color and opacity when calculating the color and opacity of a text block's outline. Since color and opacity are precalculated before the outline is ...

Colors don't match when using a material in the "Outline Material" setting for text in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 11, 2018

The Text outline and drop shadow outline for the text do not match up when using a material for the text outline appearance. The "outline color" setting will need to be set to white for the material ...