Full screen mode when using a laptop with Optimus ignores the gama setting

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 15, 2016

When using full-screen mode on a optimus laptop the gama that is set for the system appears to be ignored and uses the default setting, even if it has been adjusted in Windows display calibration se ...

Screen widgets with transparency are darker when displayed in an HTML5 environment

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 8, 2015

If the user creates a widget blueprint and adds an image with transparency the image will appear slightly darker when launched in HTML5 (firefox nightlie in this test) ...

Decal Fade Out does not cause decal to fade, destroys decal at end of fade time

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 27, 2016

Decal Fade Out does not cause decal to fade as expected. Instead, after the delay and fade time, the actor is destroyed with no noticeable fade during this time period. ...

CircleDOF Creates Artifacts When Close to a Translucent Surface With an Object Behind It

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 19, 2018

With CircleDOF enabled artifacts will occur when getting close to a translucent plane with an object behind it. This does not occur with any other DOF method or if "Render After DOF" is disabled in ...

Image widget not showing up when a material is applied and a text block is placed over it

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 19, 2014

If an image is added to a UMG widget with a material applied to it. It will no longer show up in the viewport if a text block is added to the same widget (above the material via the Zorder). ...

Custom Nav Area Not Affecting Nav Mesh Until Restart

UE - AI - May 2, 2016

When using a Nav Modifier volume with a custom Nav Area class, the Nav Mesh is not being affected until the editor is restarted. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 1 binary and Main ...

Deleting a material layer from a stack, re-linking the layers, then deleting that layer again crashes the editor

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 5, 2021

The important step here is to unlink the middle layer after first relinking everything. ...

Spot Lights are not using Light Propagation Volumes when enabled

UE - Graphics Features - May 23, 2016

As of 4.9 Dynamic Indirect Lighting with Light Propagation Volumes should be supported for Spot Lights. This does not appear to be the case for several versions that I could see. Using the methods o ...

Material Quality Level not working with Layers

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 6, 2021

Distance Field AO leaving trail of occlusion shadow where character mesh has been.

UE - Graphics Features - May 21, 2015

When using DFAO and moving around the world a trail will be left behind the where the player has been while PIE/Standalone game is being used. This is cleared when exiting these modes. **Video att ...