Crash w. 'Serialized Class LinkerPlaceholderExportObject for a property of BlueprintGeneratedClass'

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 25, 2017

I was attempting to repro [Link Removed]. I created a new Actor BP, placed it in the level, added a ref to it to the level BP (instead of the projectile approach in the repro), and tried to save my ...

Crash when syncing a folder with source control that contains a level that utilizes Level Streaming

Tools - Dec 28, 2017

A crash occurs when you attempt to run the sync command on a folder that contains a level that is using level streaming in the editor. This was tested with Perforce and Subversion. Have not tested ...

Applying Clothing Data Causes Mesh Vertex Color to Turn Black (or crash)

OLD - Anim - Jan 3, 2018

-When a clothing asset is applied to the mesh, the vertex color(s) change to solid black -Can be removed by right click Remove Clothing Data -Crashes in Main-4.20 -Can't be tested in 4.17.2 due t ...

Crash Occurs When Creating Pose Asset from an Animation in Persona

OLD - Anim - Feb 1, 2018

Engine crashes when creating a new pose asset in persona using the Create Asset option -Tested with walk, idle, and run anims -Didn't crash only once out of the several times tested with the Third ...

Arrays of user-defined structs are not initialized properly in a nativized Blueprint class.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 28, 2018

New elements are not being initialized properly when setting up the default value for arrays of user-defined structures in nativized Blueprint C++ constructor code. ...

ChildActorComponent (SkeletalMesh) goes into tpose when calling SetChildActorClass

OLD - Anim - Mar 19, 2018

There is an issue occurring where when updating an animation of a child actor by setting the Child actor class, the animation will flash the skeleton in a T-Pose before continuing with the animation ...

Editor crash when Landscape Comp. LODBias set to value greater than 0

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 20, 2018

When LODBias for a landscape component is set to anything greater than zero, the editor will crash. Reproduced in 4.19.0 CL 3944462 and 4.20 Main. Not able to be reproduced in 4.18.3 CL 3832480. T ...

Landscape Disappears from Scene After Being Added to Sequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 21, 2018

Landscape disappears from scene if added to a sequence, selected in scene, and the one of the tracks in sequencer(not the landscape that has been added) is selected again Landscape was added to t ...

Editor will crash while instancing nested AIPerception component template subobjects in an AIController-based Blueprint class during compile-on-load.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 23, 2018

User report of an assertion that fires on editor reload during an attempt to reload an AIController-based Blueprint class with a dependency on a child Blueprint class, both created in a previous edi ...

Region screenshot doesn't work at runtime

Tools - Mar 30, 2018

Region screenshots taken in runtime do not seem to work while they do work when taken in editor. ...