Fix center of mass calculations with welding.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 25, 2016

Welding components uses precomputed weights for to determine center of mass for the actor. This can cause problems when users want to specify custom weights for certain components. ...

Fixing up GoogleVRHMD static analysis warning

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 31, 2016

[Line 1585] d:​\build​++ue4+release-4.14+compile​\sync​\engine​\plugins​\runtime​\googlevr​\googlevrhmd​\source​\googlevrhmd​\private​\googlevrhmdrender.cpp(42) : warning C6386: Buffer overrun while ...

Fix TSR velocity extrusion on rotating

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 3, 2023

Fix pause flags when recycling sound sources

UE - Audio - Dec 12, 2016

Issue is due to pause flags getting recycled when new sound sources are used from the sound source pool. This is a regression since 4.13, causing audio to pop. ...

Error when packaging C++ projects in 4.16 Binary

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 23, 2017

Packaging a C++ project for Android, iOS, or Windows produces an Error. This issue did not reproduce when testing in a source build from P4. Spoke with ChrisB and he believes this is due to the pac ...

Actors in 4.16 do not enter a resting state when expected

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 17, 2017

There is extra random bouncing that can last a couple of seconds that does NOT occur in 4.15.2. Sometimes the cube would look like it settled, then randomly pop and bounce again. This happened on b ...

Fix log spam when using a vive wireless adpater

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 19, 2018

We need to handle TrackedDeviceClass_DisplayRedirect as a valid device in SteamVRController.cpp ...

Fix function forwarding in demo drivers in instant replays

UE - Networking - Jul 13, 2020

Demo drivers that are actively playing back a replay while still connected to another server as a client (via game net driver) will generate warnings due to the function forwarding code (UNetDriver: ...

Cloth rendering issue on triangles sharing kinematic attachments.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 29, 2020

All render vertices on any cloth triangle that contains one or two fixed vertex are set as fixed, whereas this should only be the case if all three vertices were fixed. ...