Crash force deleting blueprint being used as a Child Actor Component in an actor in the level

UE - Gameplay - Components - Mar 23, 2018

REGRESSION: Yes, the crash does not occur in 4.18. A crash occurs when the user force deletes an actor blueprint that is being used as a child actor component in another blueprint that's in the lev ...

Landscapes with Tessellation Material do not cast dynamic Shadows

UE - Graphics Features - May 29, 2018

Landscapes that have materials with tessellation applied to it will not cast shadows onto movable static meshes Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788 and 4.20 CL# 4096272 Seems to be working as intended in 4. ...

Containers of Instanced Subobjects don't inherit as expected

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 6, 2018

Changes made to array containers in the parent Instanced Subobject Blueprint does not affect the child. Working in 4.18.3 Broken in 4.19.2 Tested in  4.18.3(CL - 3832480), 4.19 (CL - 4033788), 4. ...

Pawns using Floating Pawn Movement will teleport to the location specified in Move To Location

UE - AI - Jul 14, 2015

Pawns using Floating Pawn Movement will teleport to the location specified in Move To Location. From fix CL 2619989: "Fixed FloatingPawnMovement component's issue when controlling AI pawn. Basicall ...

Ongoing D3D 'HUNG' crash - FD3D11Viewport::PresentChecked()

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 18, 2017

This is a new ticket for the D3D 'HUNG' crash originally reported in [Link Removed]. Some fixes were introduced in 4.14.2 that decreased the occurrences of this crash, but other cases are still ongo ...

Crash in UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent::GetOverlappingSphereCount

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 15, 2018

A licensee has reported a regression from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2 that is causing crashes to occur in their project. The crash occurs when walking onto their foliage in a packaged game. This does not happe ...

GoogleARCoreJavaHelper functions are not correctly exported publicly

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 31, 2018

The jni functions in GoogleARCoreAndroidHelper.cpp are not correctly exported, when we tried to build a Test project it failed with this exception:  java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementatio ...

BuildGraph XML Errors Logged Incorrectly

UE - Foundation - Horde - BuildGraph - Aug 30, 2019

Suggested fix from licensee: After investigation, it seems that the filename is passed as a string instead of a FileReference in Script.cs:84. Fixing the issue seems to be as simple as changing th ...

Cloth jitters in Movie Render Queue renders when temporal sampling is enabled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Dec 6, 2022

The Cloth simulation time step smoothing is interfering with the substepping fix for multi Temporal Samples by changing the very variable DeltaTime and causing some large errors in the cloth simulat ...

Clicking on an Actor in the World Outliner jumps to Details tab if it is docked with the World Outliner

Tools - Dec 20, 2017

When clicking on a actor in the World Outliner while the Details tab is docked to it, it switches over to the Details tab. This bug was not present in 4.17.2 but is in 4.18 and 4.19. ...