LogUMG: Error: The requested size for SRetainerWidget is 0. W:739 H:0 when opening or updating a curve using the StackedCurve view

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 6, 2023

The following error is generated in the Output log whenever a Wave Table is opened or any of the graphs are modified. It also occurs when adding an Input to a Sound Modulation Parameter patch or add ...

Frame 0 event does not get triggered when using SetPlaybackPosition

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 17, 2018

An event at frame 0 of a sequence does not seem to get called when using "SetPlaybackPosition 0" to reset the playback position to the start. This seems to be a regression. 4.17.2, the frame 0 even ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_PropertyEditor!TWeakPtr<SDetailSingleItemRow,0>::Pin() [sharedpointer.h:1120]

Tools - Oct 30, 2017

This seems to be a new crash coming out of 4.18. It is not very widespread at the moment, but the callstack is very similar to [Link Removed], which was fixed for 4.18.0. Users have not provided a ...

ParticleCutout don't work when AlphaThreshold is 0

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 16, 2016

UParticleModuleRequired::PostEditChangeProperty use "AlphaThreshold > 0". So, if AlphaThreshold = 0, particlecutout don't work. ...

Random Deviation of 0 causes service node instantiation fail

UE - AI - Apr 17, 2018

Licensee has 4 Services that aren't being initialized with their respective Tasks when they Plays in Editor. If the Behavior Tree is opened first, the warnings do not appear. All 4 of the Services h ...

Mac defaults to device 0 for new Audio Mixer

UE - Audio - May 30, 2017

Users are pointing out issues with the new Audio Mixer on Macs. We have already responded on the forum post and are aware of its current state. One user has identified the issue with "default macOS ...

Transform gizmo is not working when nearclipplane in project settings > Engine > General settings is 0.00001

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 23, 2020

Setting near clip plane like 0.00001 makes unable to move with transform gizmo. if user set value to 0.0001, it is no longer reproduced. it should clip value like 0.00001 ...

Starting PIE with an unloaded player start spawns the player at (0,0,0)

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Mar 19, 2024

From licensee:What happens is that UEditorEngine::CheckForPlayerStart() is returning the PlayerStart in the data layer, so FInternalPlayWorldCommandCallbacks::PlayInViewport_Clicked() doesn't route ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-Slate.dylib!FMenuStack::PostPush(TSharedPtr<IMenu, (ESPMode)0>, TSharedRef<FMenuBase,()

Tools - Dec 1, 2017

This is a longstanding but infrequent Mac crash that has occurred since at least 4.15. Users have not provided any descriptions. Callstack from Log[2017.11.19-04.18.41:283][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000 ...

Command r.DebugSafeZone.Mode 0 does not disable overlays

Tools - Feb 19, 2020

Running the console command r.DebugSafeZone.Mode 0 does not disable all overlays.  The issue occurs when setting custom values in DefaultEngine.ini as well.  Tested using the following settings:  ...