Display 1.2 bouncing ball has a typo in the Math Hall of ContentExamples

Docs - Samples - Sep 19, 2016

Just a typo that needs to be fixed. ...

When ParallelExecutor is enabled, Japanese build output of VisualStudio garbled

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Sep 19, 2018

From UE4.20, Japanese build output of VisualStudio garbled. Below is a comparison between 4.19 and 4.20. ・4.19.2 1>------ すべてのリビルド開始: プロジェクト:MyProject3, 構成:Development_Editor x64 ------ 1> Clea ...

Attempting to build lighting in project crashes editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 18, 2016

Attempting to build lighting in user's project crashes editor. Frequency: 3/3 CrashReporter: N/A ...

Physics Velocity updating for Character objects, even with Teleporting enabled

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Nov 28, 2022

Reproduced 3/3 times. Issue does not occur in //UE4/Release-4.27, so Confirmed Regression. ...

MovieRender Pipeline Skips Output Frames during GC

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 8, 2020

This is being seen in the wild... can release a temporary fix until 4.26 when we can change the headers and fix it for real. ...

Editor crashes when actors using child actor component are loaded while Static mesh actor filter is enabled in the outliner

UE - Editor - Dec 5, 2022

Reproduced 3/3 times. Unclear whether this is a regression as filter GUI is new in 5.1 for Outliner. ...

Creating "Level Sequence with Shot" with spawnable cameras creates duplicate cameras

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 31, 2023

This is not a regression as it does occur in //UE5/Release-5.1 @ CL 23901901 Repro Rate: 3/3 times ...

NiagaraEditor timeline folders are not saved correctly

UE - Niagara - Feb 8, 2023

It works correctly in 5.0.3. ...