TAssetPtrs are not properly fixed up in client PIE instances

Tools - Aug 18, 2015

Contrary to the linked UDN question, this doesn't seem to require the actor to be replicated. The problem is that when UWorld::DuplicateWorldForPIE is called for a PIE client instance's persistent ...

Metal crash after multiple level loads

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 18, 2015

User has reported that they get a crash after loading levels multiple times. This crash occurs when setting a Uniform buffer. ...

interaction with 3D widgets are not possible when moving the pivot point

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 17, 2015

If the user moves the pivot point for the 3D widget component the widget can no longer interact with. ...

Casting to a child with a self reference can cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 13, 2015

Casting to the child of a blueprint using the self reference (as the parent) throws a warning. Then placing a self reference anywhere in the event graph of the child by it's self will cause a crash ...

Using the "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" feature on two blueprints will cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 12, 2015

When trying to make a prefab (using the Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class method )out of existing blueprints the editor will crash. ...

Pressing "X" to clear text field results in closing window instead.

Tools - Aug 12, 2015

In the event graph of a newly created Blueprint, in the "All Actions for this Blueprint" window brought up by right clicking the grid, the window will close by pressing "X" in the text field, instea ...

XAudio2 DestroyVoice call causes significant hitching on some architectures

UE - Audio - Aug 10, 2015

Another thread: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/241358/amd-cpu-very-low-performance-because-ixaudio2sourc.html Note: This not a regression and has existed since our first implementation ...

Unselecting (As pin) Blend Space causes AimOffsetBlendspace Node to Become Inoperable

OLD - Anim - Aug 10, 2015

Unselecting "(As pin) Blend Space" in the Details panel causes AimOffsetBlendspace Node to become inoperable so that it will need to be replaced altogether. *See attached screenshot. ...

Tick delta time does not provide the time between ticks (as stated in documentation)

UE - Gameplay - Aug 10, 2015

In the description for delta time given for the tick event it states "Game time elapsed since last call to Tick". This sounds as though it is supposed to calculate the time in between ticks. However ...

SphereGradient3D Material Function has unconnected (or unnecessary) Scene Depth Call

Docs - Samples - Aug 10, 2015

The SphereGradient 3D Material Function has a 'Custom Simple Depth Biased Alpha' section which utilizes Scene Depth but remain unconnected to the output of the material function. Users are reportin ...