Right eye blinks when using VR preview with the oculus rift

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 21, 2016

If the user uses the VR preview (not standalone) the right eye will blink black. ...

Crash on deleting an actor after undoing a prior delete

If an actor contains a custom SceneComponent that creates another component that is tagged with Transient and DuplicateTransient, deleting/un-deleting/deleting the actor again will cause the editor ...

Text render component not showing up in a packaged project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 20, 2016

If the user adds a text render component to a blueprint and then packages the game out the text render component will not show. ...

Ctrl + z still active in PIE

Tools - Jan 20, 2016

Users can select ctrl + z while playing in Editor causing PIE to stop and undo last change, often freezing the editor temporarily, and sometimes causing a crash. Workaround: This does not occur if ...

Instanced Stereo Rendering causing a build to fail when packaging for Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 20, 2016

If the user goes to the project settings and enables "Instanced Stereo" rendering it will fail to package for Android. ...

UMG Widgets using User Interface Material Domain do not render on Android Devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 19, 2016

When using a Blueprint Widget that has an image using a material in the User Interface Material Domain will not render when it's a newly created project in 4.11. However, if you were to copy a proje ...

Opening Floating Editor Window Locks Camera to Upward Position

Tools - Jan 19, 2016

Using the shortcut "Ctrl + E" to open the static mesh editor in it's own floating window results in the camera locking in the upward position in the Main Viewport (*not* the viewport of the Static M ...

Moving a 3D widget that has been placed in the scene will cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 18, 2016

If a user places a 3d widget in to the level it will cause a crash when moved with the movement arrows. ...

Asset with child actor component (documentation actor) crashes upon level load

UE - Gameplay - Jan 18, 2016

Adding a child actor component of type Documentation Actor to a blueprint, then adding that blueprint to a level and saving will cause the editor to crash upon re-opening the map. CrashReporter: N ...

Failing to compile will cause blueprint variables to reset to their default values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 18, 2016

If a user creates a variable and sets it to a value that is not the default and then gets an error that prevents the blueprint from compiling, this will cause the variable to be reset to it's defaul ...