Sequencer frame by frame playback is blurry and distorted

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 28, 2016

When navigating through frames of a Sequence, the scenes become very blurry and distorted after the initial scrub through all of the frames. ...

Editor crashes on Launch from SteamVR

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 3, 2016

The latest 4.13 Binary Gamedev engine crashes on launch with a SteamVR callstack. This crash only occurs in Binary, I was unable to reproduce this crash in Github. This issue looks as though it may ...

Alembic Import with empty first frame will cause the editor to crash

UE - Gameplay - Aug 10, 2016

The editor will crash when importing an Alembic file with an empty first frame. ...

Morph targets unable to find B Material

OLD - Anim - Aug 2, 2016

Morph targets are not changing colors in some instances and just not doing anything in others(1.1 in Content Examples - MorphTargets) The output log is spammed with: LogMaterialParameter: B materia ...

Blank Blueprints project with Starter Content crashes when PIE Standalone Game or Mobile Preview

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 15, 2016

This is only occurring on Mac and looks like it is Metal related based on the callstack. I was only able to reproduce this on the Blank template so far. First Person and Third Person templates did ...

Exported Sequence camera has incorrect tangents

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 9, 2016

Export Sequence camera has incorrect tangents ...

Can only render Matinee movies with Separate Process

Tools - Aug 23, 2016

Can only render Matinee movies with Separate Process. ...

ShooterGame server crash Failed to find Font VRText_RobotoLarge

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Aug 23, 2016

ShooterGame servers crash on the Linux and Mac machines. The following failed to find Font warnings appear in the output: [2016.08.23-16.59.05:186][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find ob ...

Components attached via AttachToComponent do not animate correctly when recorded by sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 25, 2016

When an actor is attached by the root to a bone of a skeletal mesh through the use of the "AttachToComponent" function in code, it will not follow animations when being recorded by the Sequencer Rec ...

POM material triggers Video Driver Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 26, 2016

When a POM decal material is applied to a decal actor in the scene the video driver will crash. This worked prior to 4.11.0 release. Only when the material is assigned to a decal actor will the vide ...