Packaged game crashes with empty callstack when exiting game through steam VR overlay

UE - Platform - XR - Sep 13, 2016

Packaged game crashes with empty callstack when exiting game through steam VR overlay. The application is exited but is fallowed up with a crash ...

Setting FActorSpawnParameters::bRemoteOwned causes inconsistent behavior when spawning actors

UE - Gameplay - Sep 13, 2016

If FActorSpawnParameters::bRemoteOwned is set to true, calling SpawnActor with this spawn param on begin play has different behavior than calling the SpawnActor elsewhere during runtime. If using n ...

LineTraceComponent incorrectly derives HitLocation from Procedural Mesh Components

UE - Gameplay - Sep 13, 2016

LineTraceComponents do not return the correct HItLocation from Procedural Mesh Components. ...

T_Wood_Pine_D Asset has Offset Alpha Channel

Docs - Samples - Sep 12, 2016

The alpha channel seems to be offset in the x and y by 1024 pixels this has been fixed and attached for analysis. ...

User cannot undo the automatic changing of Mobility settings

Tools - Sep 12, 2016

When the users causes a component to automatically change its Mobility setting by changing that setting on a parent or child component, undoing that change only affects the manual change caused by t ...

Changing LOD materials on Merged Actors Crashes Editor

UE - Gameplay - Sep 12, 2016

If you merg actors with LODs with the setting LODSelection Type set to "Use all LOD levels" then apply a material to the element 0 assigned to LOD1 the engine will crash. NOTE I wasn't able to rep ...

3D Widget Components with depth test disabled are still culled when fully occluded

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 12, 2016

Currently, we allow occlusion culling on WidgetComponents regardless of whether or not depth test is enabled. This makes it challenging to make a widget render through other actors in the world, sin ...

Dynamic Collections do not display any results

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Sep 12, 2016

Dynamic Collections do not display any results upon being created. Please note that opening a project that had a Dynamic Collection already selected may show the results at first. This is only tempo ...

Cancelling level save due to previous save crashes editor

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 12, 2016

If a level has been saved as two different levels and a new save initiated, the editor will crash if the overwrite is cancelled. Frequency 3/3 Regression (Yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.12.5 ...

Float Curve that is set as a local variable in an actor's function is garbage collected when in Standalone, causing a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 9, 2016

If a Curve Float local variable is created for a function, it will be garbage collected when garbage collection occurs. This causes the process to crash due to an null pointer error whenever it is r ...