"Runaway loop detected" warnings on AnimBP with worker threads

OLD - Anim - Jul 29, 2016

The runaway loop detection stuff is designed as per thread singletons (TLS). The worker threads don't properly reset the runaway counters. ...

Screen Percentage is available in Preview Scene Settings even though it has no effect

UE - Gameplay - Jul 28, 2016

In Preview Scene Settings, the user is able to adjust the scene's Screen Percentage, even though it has no effect in the preview (it only works when playing in game). ...

"Directions are not compatible" when using Blueprint node with meta = ( ExpandEnumAsExecs = "Branches" ) in only Animation Blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Jul 28, 2016

When using a custom Blueprint node with the meta tag, "ExpandEnumAsExects" Animation Blueprints get "Directions are not compatible" while other Blueprint classes are able to compile the same node. ...

RadialForceComponent ignores collision of Object Type set in Collision Presets if component is initialized in C++

UE - Gameplay - Jul 28, 2016

When a RadialForceComponent is attached to a object in C++, it doesn't take on the "Object Types to Affect" in the component settings of the Blueprint. If the RadialForceComponent is created as a co ...

It isn't clear when a profile is added to the Preview Scene Settings

UE - Gameplay - Jul 27, 2016

In the Preview Scene Settings, it isn't clear that a new profile is created when the user clicks on Add Profile. If it's the first new profile, the dropdown is no longer grayed out. But if the use ...

Crash while closing Create Blank New Blueprint window after attempting to name blueprint the same name as another blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 27, 2016

Crash while closing Create Blank New Blueprint window after attempting to name blueprint the same name as another blueprint. This crash only occurs when attempting to close the window using the "X" ...

Force Feedback not pausing correctly during bGamePaused

UE - Gameplay - Jul 26, 2016

From UDN Question: https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/304392/bug-clientplayforcefeedback-isnt-paused-when-game.html Tried with GamePad and Vive Controllers, having Gamepad wire connected + 2 Vi ...

Using TInlineAllocator with a large number in TArray that is in an AActor class will cause child Blueprint class to call an assert while parent class will not

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 22, 2016

If a TArray has a TInlineAllocator with a large number and the class is used with a child Blueprint, the editor will throw an assert. If the base C++ Class is used instead of the Blueprint, the asse ...

Blueprint heatwire effects do not work when touching user macros

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 21, 2016

Heatwire effects do not work for execution wires touching user macros. Native macros do not exhibit this behavior. Note: This is with BP Profiler turned off. ...

Multiple components cannot update PostEditChangeProperty() simultaneously

Tools - Jul 21, 2016

Multiple components within a single blueprint cannot have variables that use PostEditChangeProperty() updated simultaneously. This is most visible when attemting to set Max Draw Distance after chang ...