In Two Bone IK node, Joint Target Location values are exposed on node when it isn't in Details panel

UE - Anim - Rigging - May 17, 2016

When placing a Two Bone IK node in the Anim Graph, the Joint Target Location input will be exposed on the node, even though, by default, Join Target Location Space is set to Component Space. Join T ...

Launch images display incorrectly on iPad

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 15, 2016

Typo in UEDeployIOS.cs assigns the iPad launch images incorrectly ...

FInternetAddrBSDIPv6::SetIp doesn't handle all valid IPv6 formats

UE - Networking - Sep 29, 2016

Currently FInternetAddrBSDIPv6::SetIp(const CHAR* InAddr, bool& bIsValid) does not handle all valid formats of IPv6 addresses. Need to rework the function to be more robust, and properly handle all ...

Ensure closing standalone game window

Analytics - Engine - Nov 2, 2016

Ensure occurs when closing a standalone game window. Does not appear to occur when playing in editor:Ensure condition failed: Analytics.IsUnique() [File:D:\Framework\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Pr ...

Warnings displayed when launching the editor in DX12

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2016

Following warning is displayed in the log when launching in dx12:[2016.10.06-22.33.36:185][ 0]LogD3D12RHI:Warning: Root signature created where the root parameters take up 18 DWORDS. Using more tha ...

Crouching/Uncrouching while standing on a physics object will cause the object to behave erratically

UE - Gameplay - Sep 7, 2016

Crouching/Uncrouching while standing on a physics object will cause the object to behave erratically. Even if the CharacterMovement component has Physics Interaction disabled, it will still effect t ...

Notify track is not updated immediately when notifies are move to occupy same space

OLD - Anim - Oct 26, 2016

When the user moves two notifies onto the same frame, the notify track does not immediately update and add a second track so they don't merge together. For it to update, the user has to perform a s ...

Crash trying to add a key to a curve table in curve view

UE - Gameplay - Nov 3, 2016

Crash occurs when attempting to add a key to a curve in the curve table. This doesn't occur when adding a key to a regular curve. ...

Compile fails when attempting to launch on to Windows with Raw Input plugin enabled

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 9, 2016

Compile fails when the user attempts to launch on to Windows with the Raw Input plugin enabled. Error:LogPlayLevel: xgConsole: Module.RawInput.cpp LogPlayLevel: xgConsole: d:\framework\engine\plug ...

"Could not make DefaultGameplayTags.ini Writable" toast when adding to Gameplay Tag Table List Array

UE - Gameplay - Nov 4, 2016

When adding an item to the Gameplay Tag Table List array in Project Settings, the user receives a toast reading: "Could not make ProjectPath/Config/DefaultGameplayTags.ini Writable" I didn't see t ...