Crash disabling Import Tags from Config in Project Settings

UE - Gameplay - Nov 4, 2016

Crash occurs when disabling Import Tags from Configs in the Project Settings under GamplayTags. There are also ensures that occur with it, linked here. If these need a separate fix, I can enter a ...

Add Gameplay Tag and Append Gameplay Tag Containers use the same tooltip

UE - Gameplay - Nov 8, 2016

In a blueprint, the Add Gameplay Tag and Append Gameplay Tag Containers user the same tooltip (which seems to only be relevant to Append Gameplay Tag Containers). ...

IsRunningGame( ) is false on iOS when running on device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 20, 2016

When running project on iOS Devices, IsRunningGame( ) in CoreMisc.h returns false. ...

Shift drag objects pivot causing broken movement

Tools - Nov 8, 2016

In another related bug UE-38381, but this bug causes the cube to instantly move to where your mouse is located after shift is released a second time. This occurs in 4.13 therefore not a regression ...

Shift drag Pivot on an Object in editor does not work

Tools - Nov 8, 2016

When holding shift on any axis, the camera follows the object when you move around the level. When trying to do this with the pivot, the cube does not move at all. This issue is present in 4.13 as ...

Startup movies using FDefaultGameMoviePlayer are not skippable using keyboard or gamepad

Media Framework - Oct 13, 2016

There are a few separate issues with user input plumbing that prevent keypresses from getting to FDefaultGameMoviePlayer during a startup video 1) In FDefaultGameMoviePlayer::WaitForMovieToFinish() ...

Subtitle settings are ignored after editor restart

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 11, 2016

If the Subtitles Enabled setting is set to false, subtitles will still display after restarting the editor regardless of Subtitles Forced Off setting. ...

Irrelevant If Else call in ScriptCore.cpp

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 3, 2016

On line #1301 in ScriptCore.cpp, there is the following if statement:if (Function->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Native) { Function->Invoke(this, NewStack, ReturnValueAdress); } else { Fu ...