//UE4/Main: Step 'Compile UE4Game Win64' - ComponentVisualizers Error

UE - Audio - Mar 23, 2017

[Link Removed]ERROR: UEBuildBinary not set up for module ComponentVisualizers ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_VisualStudioSourceCodeAccess!TComPtr<IDispatch>::operator->() [compointer.h:107]

Tools - Mar 27, 2017

*This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: RawPointer != n ...

Crash when using Consolas font on Android SDK 24

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 29, 2017

A licensee reported that using the Consolas font on Android will cause the game to crash. I've narrowed it down to only occurring in the Android 24 SDK and on the ASTC configuration. Using Android(A ...

Animation System relies on FindFunctionByName which is not thread safe.

OLD - Anim - Mar 29, 2017

Currently, there are several places in FAnimInstanceProxy and FAnimNode_Base (and derived classes) that rely on FindFunctionByName in order to resolve transitions, evaluate pins, etc. This can happ ...

Trying to load a missing map causes a crash in a packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 30, 2017

This jira was originally filed for "Calling a remote event on a streaming level appears to cause a crash in a packaged game" but the actual crash reproed has to do with trying to load into a nonexis ...

Mesh Flicker when Two Bone IK is stretched

UE - Anim - Rigging - Mar 31, 2017

Mesh Flicker when Two Bone IK is stretched ...

Landscape Editor brush is missing the highlight sphere

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 3, 2017

Noticed a change in the landscape editor brush. It appears it is missing the highlight sphere. This is also occurring in //UE4/Main This is a regression from the last time this test was ran in th ...

Crash launching QAGame onto Windows

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 23, 2017

The editor is crashing when launching onto windows. This is not occurring in Main. ...

Regression in Gaussian and Circle DOF

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 15, 2017

Don't believe there's a regression here, but would be good to verify everything is working as intended still after the scene-alpha refactors, no accidental swapped inputs or incorrect sampling. AA d ...

Ensure setting cloth skeletal mesh Wind Setting to Accurate

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Apr 6, 2017

Ensure occurs when setting Wind Method to Accurate in the skeletal mesh editor. There's a similar ensure when you PIE after doing this. This can be bugged separately if needed: [Link Removed] ...