When asynchronously loading levels using the "Async Load Primary Asset" node, the dirty flag of the loaded level becomes Enable

UE - Gameplay - Jul 26, 2018

Asynchronously loading a level that has one or more Actors using the "Async Load Primary Asset" node will enable dirty grug for that level asset. The cause is a modified code(CL-3764602) for the [L ...

Multiplayer Shootout fails to package properly

Docs - Samples - Jul 27, 2018

Attempting to package the Multiplayer Shootout example results in an error and the packaging attempt fails. The error can be found in the attached log. Regression?: No This occurred in 4.18 and 4.1 ...

Disabling "Support Stationary Skylight" Causes Crash With Forward Shading Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 30, 2018

Disabling 'Support Stationary Skylight' crashes if you select anything in the editor when Forward Shading is also enabled. Working as expected 4.19 4033788 Found in 4.20 CL# 433996 and 4.21 CL# 42 ...

Flickering Meshes after removing HISM instances

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 2, 2018

Removing HISMs in a packaged project causes meshes to remain and flicker in a packaged project. (Inclusive Nativization is enabled in test project, but issue occurs with nativization disabled as we ...

HISM(Hierarchical instance static mesh) has lightmap problem after building lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 5, 2018

HISM has lightmap issues after build lighting ...

Scene Capture Component "SetShowOnlyActors" no longer exposed to Blueprints

Tools - Aug 6, 2018

SetShowOnlyActors of category Scene Capture Component is no longer exposed to Blueprints. Also missing in Main CL# 4247867 ...

Using a Sub Anim Instance causes a "Sub Instance Loop" Compile Error

OLD - Anim - Aug 7, 2018

Using a Sub Anim Instance causes a sub instance loop error when referencing another Animation Blueprint. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) as it complied without error. This issue was r ...

Attempting to compile an editor plugin that spawns an instance of ACullDistanceVolume causes a linker error

UE - Gameplay - Aug 9, 2018

A linker error is encountered if an Editor plugin spawns an ACullDistanceVolume instance. This is caused by neither having ENGINE_API or MinimalAPI specified in its UCLASS macro. Regression?: No Th ...

Update Instance Transform Rotation for HISM isn't working in a packaged game

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 22, 2018

Using 'Update Instance Transform' to rotate HISM instances will work in PIE, but won't work in a packaged game. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). This issue was reported and tested in ...