ApplicationReceivedScreenOrientationChangedNotificationDelegate does NOT work properly on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 5, 2019

ApplicationReceivedScreenOrientationChangedNotificationDelegate supports iOS but not Android. Probably, Java_com_epicgames_ue4_GameActivity_nativeOnConfigurationChanged should be useful for fix thi ...

Pixel inspector does not work in Vulkan

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Apr 23, 2019

The pixel inspector does not work in an editor using vulkan The pixel inspector works fine in dx11 Related to [Link Removed] and [Link Removed], but making a new bug for separate prioritization ...

OBB files per architecture are not unique so Play Store flags it when uploading for different store versions

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 16, 2019

The Play Store by default on uploading an OBB will check it against the others uploaded so if you are uploading multiple APKs built for different architectures in the same packaging session the OBB ...

Emitters at display 3.4 in Content Examples Niagara map are not rendering

UE - Niagara - Aug 16, 2019

REGRESSION: Yes, did not occur in 4.22 In the Content Examples Niagara map, the emitters at display 3.4 are not rendering when at runtime. There were some fixes for this (or a similar issue) for V ...

Using xcode-select to switch between Xcode 10 and Xcode 11 beta can cause Xcode 11 to be unrecognized by the editor

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 16, 2019

After switching from Xcode 11.0 Beta 3 (11M362v) to Xcode 10 (10A255) and then back to Xcode 11, the editor no longer recognized that Xcode was installed on my machine when trying to use Xcode 11 as ...