Android: Mali Txxx GPUs Encounter Stretching Geometry When Running with Support GPU Scene Enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 27, 2019

When attempting to run SunTemple with r.Mobile.SupportGPUScene enabled on some Mali GPUs, the project renders with what looks like pieces of the geometry stretching across the level and bending out ...

Screen Renders Black in a Packaged AREnvProbe Project

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 10, 2019

After pressing Start AR, the screen is black. It still renders planes occasionally and when you put a surface really close to the screen, it renders slighting in the black. This also occurs in //UE ...

Planar Reflections Cause Big Performance Hit In Packaged VR Projects

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 22, 2020

Planar reflections notably lower performance in packaged VR project. Linked is an example project and an example package. [Link Removed]. This was tested on a Vive Pro and Oculus Rift(not Rift S). ...

User-instanced subobjects owned by a streaming sublevel's Blueprint CDO cannot be garbage collected with the owning world after the sublevel has been reloaded in the editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2020

Strong object reference properties of an 'EditInline'-decorated UCLASS type embedded within a native C++ struct definition can be instanced at edit time by the user as part of a variable's default v ...

Changing the channel name inside of the channel mask parameter node results in crash

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 4, 2020

Changing the name of a channel inside of the channel mask parameter node results in a crash. ...

Win64 - Unplugging audio device causes game to freeze

UE - Audio - Nov 30, 2017

Win64 - Unplugging audio device causes game to freeze. Log is spammed with messages like the following after the device is removed:[2017.11.30-19.38.32:716][386]LogAudio: Warning: Waited 69.495094m ...

Ensure triggers when undoing change to newly created variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 28, 2018

Ensure will trigger when undo reverts text to default value. "This triggers an ensure because the undo ends up calling SKismetInspector::ShowDetailsForObjects(), which forces the keyboard focus to ...

Problem in deleting multiple node objects in Animation Sequence

OLD - Anim - Jan 10, 2019

From what I could see this is different than JIRA issue [Link Removed]. All the selected nodes information seem correct until the NodeObject->Delete(Sequence) in SAnimNotifyPanel::DeleteSelectedNod ...

Second player's screen does not render in Split Screen on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 21, 2019

The second player's screen in a Split Screen multiplayer session on Android does not render. It remains completely black. This was also an issue prior to 4.15 but was fixed with [Link Removed]. The ...

Sequencer Rendering Bug When Rendering Custom Depth Of Animation Blueprint Preview

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 8, 2019

Having an Animation Blueprint open when rendering a movie using "Render CustomDepth Pass" via Sequencer causes the Animation Blueprint Preview to be rendered rather than the cine camera actor set in ...