Initial overlaps aren't populated by BeginPlay

UE - Gameplay - Dec 18, 2019

Get overlapping components/actors is not fully populated with initial overlaps by BeginPlay in 4.24, like they were in 4.23 ...

Sequencer evaluation can skip events due to gaps in frame number ranges

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 18, 2019

Sequencer rounds when converting time ranges to frame number ranges, which can cause one frame gaps. If an event falls on that gap, it will not be triggered.  ...

ARCore - "Get Supported AR Video Formats" returns empty on Android

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 18, 2019

Get Supported AR Video Formats node only functions on iOS. (ARCore Library has similar 'Get ARCore Camera Config' node currently) Tested with iPad A1701 and Note 9 ...

Morph target LOD over 0 not worrking with GPU skin

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Dec 17, 2019

I do not know what happen here and I need the help of the rendering team to debug this issue. There is no log at all even with -d3debug If you import the file SK_LOD_Morph_Working.fbx its a similar ...

Editor Utility Widgets are reset every time another blueprint is reinstanced

Tools - Dec 16, 2019

Editor utility widgets were being rebuilt on GEditor->OnBlueprintReinstanced. However, this delegate is fired when any blueprint is reinstanced, which resulted in the widget being refreshed when it ...

"Restore Open Assets Tabs on Restart" Doesn't Reopen Asset Tabs

Tools - Dec 16, 2019

Enabling "Restore Open Assets Tabs on Restart" doesn't reopen asset tabs when opening a project . Found in 4.24 CL#10570792 Reproduced in 4.25 CL#10719465 ...

Niagara crash when duplicating an emitter in the timeline through right-click menu

UE - Niagara - Dec 11, 2019

Trying to duplicate an emitter from the timeline crashes the editor. This looks to be the result of UMovieSceneNiagaraEmitterTrack not implementing the function SupportsType.  ...

Blueprint Actor cannot delete implemented interface when Interface is converted to an Event.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 11, 2019

In Editor, When you remove a return value parameter from a Blueprint Interface function's Output Category. (so there are no return values), it becomes an event. In any Blueprint that implements the ...

Sub Instance Root Motion issues

OLD - Anim - Dec 10, 2019

Using multiple Sub instances with root motion does not behave as expected. With both the parent and sub instances set to 'Root Motion from Everything': In 4.22, too much root motion occurs. In ...