Some developers reporting incorrect Preview in VR resolution for Steam VR

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 18, 2020

VR Preview Window is the wrong resolution, just showing the top left portion of the entire view. Somewhat similar symptoms to -[Link Removed]-, not exactly the same though.   This issue has not be ...

OnAudioPlacebackPercentage PlaybackPercentage (float) doesn't take into account "Start Time" from Play or FadeIn nodes

UE - Audio - Aug 17, 2020

PlaybackPercent on the OnAudioPlaybackPercent event does not account for Start Offset from the Play or FadeIn node. Reported and tested in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and version 4.24.3 (CL-115903 ...

Crash on Mac on exit.

Media Framework - Aug 17, 2020

A licensee reported trouble with a crash on exit on Mac. They discovered that the file AvfMediaPlayer.cpp, on the function Open there is this piece of code:// Force the AV player to not be able to ...

Adding an actor with a default property track immediately after opening a sequence will crash the editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 14, 2020

If an actor has default property tracks set up in the Project Settings, adding that actor to a level sequence through C++ will crash the editor. This seems to stem from the creation of the default p ...

nDisplay Crash in DisplayClusterDeviceBase.cpp

UE - Virtual Production - nDisplay - Aug 14, 2020

Crash accessing USplineComponent from Niagara while it is being updated on game thread

UE - Niagara - Aug 13, 2020

I was working with a licensee on something unrelated, and ran into this niagara threading crash. It looks like UNiagaraDataInterfaceSpline::SampleSplinePositionByUnitDistance on one of the niagara h ...

Cruncher Sharp Double click navigation doesnt work

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 12, 2020

[Image Removed] [Image Removed] I suspect this came in at 13550642 where I created a more separated data/view model ...

Importing camera FBX through Python will not import focal length

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 12, 2020

Importing a camera's FBX through Python will not import a camera's animated focal length. ...

Crash when converting a Landscape to a Blueprint Class

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 12, 2020

The Editor crashes when attempting to convert a Landscape into a Blueprint Class. Looking back to //UE4/Release-4.24 cl 11590231, this option seems to be unselectable (see attached image), which lea ...

App crashes when executing 'Export to Disk' node on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 11, 2020

Regression is unconfirmed ...