Unable to open Unreal Engine after cleaning project in XCode

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 31, 2020

When I have the Epic Games Launcher open as I clean the Xcode project, the top right button will still read "Launch." Clicking on it after the Xcode project is finished cleaning causes the following ...

Uniform Static Mesh Sampling doesn't work on GPU Niagara Emitters

UE - Niagara - Aug 11, 2020

Uniform sampling of static meshes for GPU emitters does not work. ...

Windows Mixed Reality Controllers do not show up in Collab Viewer

UE - Content - Engine - Jul 29, 2019

When using Windows Mixed Reality with the new collab Viewer template the headset will track but the controllers do not show up. ...

Users project fails to package after upgrading with the message "LogOutputDevice:Error: Trying to reference an unowned pin: 459E8AB44ECC5E6CDFC7B084849A6349"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 29, 2016

Users project fails to build after upgrading due to an unowned pin from a split "Get Velocity" vector pin. ...

TArray marked as Instanced in a component class cannot be edited per instance

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 11, 2016

If a TArray declared in a component class has the UPROPERTY specifier "Instanced", then attempts to edit an instance of the array in the editor viewport after adding the component to a blueprint doe ...

Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default does not revert changes made to instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2015

creating an instance of a blueprint and making changes to the instance will not respect "Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default" when pressed from Details Pane. ...