Material expression If node has been broken, major regression that shipped in 4.6

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 9, 2014

This sounds legit. Anyone mess with the if node recently? There seems to be a regression where existing content is broken. This should be fixed ASAP and patched into 4.6. https://forums.unrealen ...

FSlateApplication::OnControllerButtonPressed/Released removed causing input plugins to no longer work

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 8, 2014

The functions OnControllerButtonPressed/Released using FKey were deleted for 4.6. This leaves plugin authors no way of propagating key presses from their plugin in to the input system. ...

Unable to open composite decorators in BT editor

UE - AI - Dec 5, 2014

Users are unable to open composite decorators for edition in BT editor making them utterly useless. ...

Crash when creating new projects or converting copies of old ones in Japanese

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 4, 2014

There's a crash in FCharacterList::GetKerning() when using the editor in Japanese that is apparently fixed in one of these three changelists: CL# 2370014, 2370050, and 2370040 But they were not ...

Incorrect static lighting on InstancedStaticMeshes

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Nov 27, 2014

Sometimes instances of an InstancdStaticMeshComponent have an incorrect hue after building static lighting. In the thread, the user provides a repro map ...

Users custom 4.6 project crashes on load

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 24, 2014

Users custom 4.6 project crashes on load. If the DefaultEngine.ini file is deleted, then the project will start fine. ...

Animation retargeting adversely affects looping animations

OLD - Anim - Nov 21, 2014

Retargeting a skeleton to a looping animation results in the animation skipping at the end of the loop (Appears to miss 1 or 2 frames.) ...

InstancedStaticMesh instances fail to render on a mobile device

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2014

When a project with an InstancedStaticMesh is used in a level, the static mesh is failing to render on a mobile device Tested on a nexus 5 and an iPad air OS 8.1 ...

Pawn Sensing Component is not registering sound data within hearing radius

UE - AI - Oct 30, 2014

While using a pawn sensing component in an actor, the actor will not respond to sound data that is within the radius of its hearing threshhold/LOS hearing threshold. Additional notes: This was a ...