Deprecate GeometryCollectionDebugDrawActor and its Component

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Oct 1, 2020

/// We are going to deprecate this component for the UE5 release.  /// The issue also reproduces if console command"p.gc.ShowRigidBodyId -1" is executed in PIE The issue can be reproduced ...

"Out of video memory" crash when attempting to save many assets with source control enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 25, 2020

This will only repro when connected to source control ...

Subobject properties are visible in Class Defaults in Data Only blueprint editor mode

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 23, 2020

Note:  if QABP_SubobjectTester_Defaults * is opened in *Full Blueprint Editor mode, Subobject Testing and Default Subobject Testing categories  are not presented in the Class Defaults or Details (fo ...

Scaling and rotation modes of the gizmo should be disabled in Paper2D Sprite Editor for vertexes

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Sep 23, 2020

The modes are useless and should be disabled while the vertex(es) is(are) selected. The same behavior in Edit Collision and Edit RenderGeom modes. I've checked it in 4.25.3. Probably, this bug exis ...

Many native-only interfaces incorrectly appear as implementable by blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 14, 2020

Right now, any UINTERFACE that is not marked as CannotImplementInterfaceInBlueprint is shown as implementable in blueprint. If these functions have BlueprintCallable functions or related things then ...

Default changes to Gameplay Tag Queries aren't propagated to instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 3, 2020

Gameplay Tag Query default properties don't automatically update in instances.  ...

Nanite Meshes aren't visible when using Optimization Viewmodes

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 2, 2020

Nanite Meshes aren't visible when using Optimization Viewmodes. This also occurs in the Main Editor viewport as well if the Nanite Asset is dropped in the level and the Optimization Viewmode is set ...

Inline color picker doesn't end transaction

Tools - Aug 20, 2020

Inline color picker doesn't end it's transaction. Looks to be a regression from: ...

Normal of Skeletal Mesh is incorrect when Recompute Tangent is used when Skincache is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 12, 2020

This issue occurs in Skeletal Mesh depending on the model when Skincache is enabled and affects the rendering. ...

IoStore: Can not update localization asset when change culture.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 12, 2020

It can't be updated localization assets when enabled IOStore. When disabled IOStore, it'll be able to update localization assets. ...