RT shadows break with a 16-bit GBuffer

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 23, 2023

Ray traced shadows are missing when the gbuffer is forced to 16-bit. ...

Raytracing Material Border Artefacts

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jan 20, 2023

Download the licensee repro from here - [Link Removed] The issue should be immediately visible in editor, but if not, shrink the main viewport and it should become more prominent as you zoom into t ...

Raytraced Shadows don't render on landscape grass

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Nov 22, 2022

Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0, the issue did not occur so this is a regression Cast Dynamic Shadow should be enabled in the Landscape Grass Type by default, so shadows should be cast by the ...

Assertion thrown while creating a Geometry Collection with Hardware Raytracing enabled along side r.RayTracing.Geometry.GeometryCollection 1

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 26, 2022

A raytracing project with hardware raytracing enabled and r.RayTracing.Geometry.GeometryCollection set to 1 triggers a crash when trying to create a geometry collection. ...

Crash using D3D raytracing with Support Ray Tracing unchecked static mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 24, 2021

Static mesh that does not have Support Ray Tracing flag does not have a GeometryRHI object. So it causes a crash in FD3D12RayTracingScene. Excluding instances that do not have a GerometyRHI in FDef ...

Crash when adding Rectangle Lights to a game with multiple players while Raytracing is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 9, 2021

A user reported this issue to us through Salesforce. They initially said it crashed with both Spot Lights and Rectangle Lights, but I was only able to repro with Rectangle lights. Additionally, I di ...

Compilation error when using Particle SubUV in Niagara Mesh Particles with Raytracing enabled.

UE - Niagara - Oct 12, 2021

The licensee has shared the following workaround for modifying NiagaraMeshVertexFactory.ush. struct FVertexFactoryInterpolantsVSToPS { TANGENTTOWORLD_INTERPOLATOR_BLOCK #if USE_PARTICLE_SUBU ...

Evaluate WPO for Foliage(HISM) is based on Local Space?

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Aug 21, 2021