Steps to Reproduce

follow the official document to deploy a Pixel streaming application

start the application with all the necessary param (including -AllowPixelStreamingCommands )

modify the app.js in the signalingwebServer to add the following codes in "kickbutton.onclick" event for test:

let descriptor =

{     ConsoleCommand: 'stat fps' }



then click the "kick button" when you succeeded connecting to the app in your browser.


expected: the running app show fps info in the viewport, but actually it doesn't. In its log it says

Warning: failed to run command = {"ConsoleCommand": "stat fps"}


Debug: after reading the source codes it looks like there is a typo error in \Engine\Plugins\Media\PixelStreaming\Source\PixelStreaming\Private\PixelStreamerInputComponent.cpp  line23

UPixelStreamerInputComponent::OnCommand(const FString& Descriptor)


FString ConsoleCommand; bool bSuccess = false;

GetJsonStringValue(Descriptor, TEXT("ConsoleCommand"), ConsoleCommand, bSuccess);

if (!bSuccess) // looks like here should have NO "!"

{ return GEngine->Exec(GetWorld(), *ConsoleCommand); }



it is also reported by UDN


NOTE: It can be workaround by users to define some customized UIInteraction.


Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-104359 in the post.

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Affects Versions4.244.254.26
Target Fix4.27
CreatedDec 10, 2020
ResolvedMay 31, 2021
UpdatedMay 31, 2021
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