
When attempting to load a Blueprint that contains a ActorSequence component from inside of a Gamemode's constructor, errors are given. The ActorSequence component is also removed from the Blueprint when this occurs, although the error continues to occur every time the project is opened, despite the ActorSequence component no longer being present.

/Game/SequenceTestPawn : Can't find file for asset. /Script/ActorSequence
Failed to load /Script/ActorSequence.ActorSequenceComponent Referenced by SCS_Node_1
/Game/Untitled : Can't find file for asset. /Game/Untitled_BuiltData
Failed to load /Game/Untitled_BuiltData.Untitled_BuiltData Referenced by PersistentLevel
CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'MovieScene': ActorSequence /Game/SequenceTestPawn.SequenceTestPawn_C:ActorSequence_GEN_VARIABLE.Sequence

Regression?: No
This also occurred in 4.16.3

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new C++ project
  2. Enable the Actor Sequence Editor plugin and restart as prompted
  3. Create a new Pawn Blueprint called SequenceTestPawn and add an Actor Sequence component.
  4. Add a new C++ class based off Game Mode Base called SequenceTestGameModeBase
  5. In SequenceTestGameMode.cpp, add the following code:
    #include "ConstructorHelpers.h"
    ASequenceTestGameModeBase::ASequenceTestGameModeBase() {
         static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> PlayerPawnBPClass(TEXT("/Game/SequenceTestPawn"));
         if (PlayerPawnBPClass.Class != NULL) {
             DefaultPawnClass = PlayerPawnBPClass.Class;
  6. In SequenceTestGameModeBase.h, add the following code under "GENERATED_BODY()"
  7. Compile the project
  8. Set SequenceTestGameModeBase as your active Game Mode
  9. Save all
  10. Close the editor and restart
    Result: Errors (listed in the description) are shown upon opening the project
    Expected: The project opens without an issue

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ComponentUE - Anim - Sequencer
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.19
Fix Commit3718932
Main Commit3739980
Release Commit3813083
CreatedOct 25, 2017
ResolvedOct 25, 2017
UpdatedApr 27, 2018