
Niagara Sphere Location module ignores Coordinate Space setting in its Offset.


Tested in: 4.24.3 CL#11590370, 4.25P6 CL#12611535, 4.26 CL#12767035


*Attached is the users workaround and video displaying the issue.

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the attached project
  2. Press play then eject
  3. Select both particle systems from the World Outliner
  4. Rotate along the Y axis 

Results: The Sphere Location will remain in the same world position (-200, 0, 0 in the world space) no matter the rotation of the system


Expected: The Niagara system using sphere location with an X offset to maintain its offset when rotated.

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ComponentUE - Niagara
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.26
Fix Commit14241092
CreatedApr 14, 2020
ResolvedSep 2, 2020
UpdatedJul 23, 2021
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