
Using Granular Synth with Stream Cache enabled, Granular Synth will stay silent since it cannot load the sound with Stream Caching turned on.

This was reported and tested in 4.25 (CL-13144385). This was reproduced in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370)and Main 4.26 (CL-13571629)


Currently the granular synth does not support streaming audio files, and stream caching implicitly makes all Sound Waves streaming. However, you can force a Sound Wave to be non-streaming by going to "Loading Behavior Override" and selecting "Force Inline". Doing this will ensure that it can be loaded by the granular synth.

[Image Removed]

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Download the attached uasset and sound file
  2. Open the UE4 Editor and create a Blank project
  3. Import the Sound File
  4. Open Project Settings and enable Stream Caching (Windows/Audio)
  5. Set "stream files longer than X seconds" to 3
  6. Open BP_GranSynth and set the Sound Source variable to the imported Sound File and set/create Attenuation
  7. Drag the Blueprint into the Level and press Play

Results: GranSynth stays silent, since it cannot load the sound.

Expected: Gran Synth plays normally.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Audio
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix4.27
CreatedJun 1, 2020
ResolvedOct 13, 2020
UpdatedMar 7, 2022
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