When editing a behavior tree blueprint, if one of the custom nodes created and placed in the behavior tree has an "Editable" variable of a user defined struct type, then the variable's value appears ...
AI MoveTo Blueprint node will zero velocity, causing a stop when a new destination is set if the Pawn is currently moving. Regression: Yes Worked: 4.12.5 (CL 3039270) Broken: 4.13.1 (CL 3142249) F ...
EQS spheres are not fading correctly where red = 0 and green = 1 This is a regression as it is working correctly in 4.13.2 at CL 3145013 ...
The OnSmartLinkReached event is not firing in PIE. This is a regression. In 4.12.5 the event fires as expected. Found in 4.13.0 CL 3106830 Reproduced in 4.14 Main CL 3129233. ...
When setting Can Ever Affect Navigation to false, moving it, and then setting it back to true, the originally affected area remains, and it also creates a new affected area. This occurs each time y ...
When setting a vector key on tick, and using a dynamic Nav Mesh, the AI Character exhibits severe twitching, and even occasionally gets stuck. This does not occur when the Nav Mesh is set to Stati ...
AI Move To Location causes AI to lose velocity each time it is called, resulting in a freeze in movement on each call. Regression: Yes Worked: 4.12.5 (CL 3039270) Broken: 4.13.0 (CL 3106830) Funct ...
A crash is occurring when running a custom EQS generator that returns a Point and uses the Add Generated Vector node. This is a regression. No crash occurs with the same setup in 4.12.5. ...
When using a partial path, the AI Character is still taking the acceptance radius into account. ...
Found while I was fixing up other content, that Behavior Tree assets are being marked dirty by just opening them into sub editor. ...