A DynamicNavMesh within a NavMeshBoundsVolume placed in a SubLevel will disappear if loading/unloading another SubLevel that has completely nothing to do with the DynamicNavMesh. Using a setup with ...
There seems to be a bug with the Possess\Unpossess events. Because if you change the last node in "PossessCharacter", which is created in PlayerController(called "PC"), to Unpossess the AI still con ...
When creating an Actor, and placing them inside of a geometric obstacle. GetRandomReachablePointInRadius is giving only non reachable points. The behavior happens when we set our navigational mesh b ...
Once packaged, a persistent level is unable to create navmesh data properly if the navmesh bounds volumes are only present in its sublevels. The issue can be traced to the UNavigationSystemV1::IsThe ...
IntValue and BoolValue is always indefinite value in UAIDataProvider_QueryParams::BindData(). Attach the result of Watch in VS. ...
A class that inherits from GameplayTask which also has a BeginSpawningActor function will not have its Activate function fired properly. Removing this function causes it to fire properly. Regressio ...
Services in the Behavior Tree sometimes don't work when the project is first loaded. The Behavior Tree will print a "missing service node" warning and the BT will remain inactive. This was reported ...
In the test case, the NavLink component has a navigation cost of 1000000000. When the AI navigates to the NavLink the printed cost is only 2677. It is believed that the AreaClass isn't being taken i ...
AI nav walking doesn't allow clients to set a "Base" for the character (SetBase from UpdateFloorFromAdjustment), so there is no floor result on frames where there is a net update. This causes simula ...
RecastNavMesh is not generated at the sub level dynamically added in C ++ in 4.20. In 4.18, 4.19 it was generated normally. Probably, changes to the large number about NavMesh systems from 4.19 to ...