There are a number of missing texture assets which are failing to be read when the editor opens. This is causing a warning to be thrown each time the editor opens, potentially causing CI/CD tests (i ...
When calling the Draw Debug String node outside of play, no text is visible in the viewport. This occurs with Editor Callable functions on placed blueprints as well as from Editor Utility Widgets. ...
Currently, the ShowStats viewport option is automatically enabled when entering PIE and automatically disabled when exiting PIE. This forced disabling happens even if the option was enabled prior to ...
There is an issue with UPROPERTY enums where the tooltip does not update as expected. When the DetailViewWidget is refreshed, the tooltips appear correctly. For example, ToggleShowingOnlyAllowedPro ...
It was mentioned that the global invalidation should be toggled off during loading screen and subsequently restore the state after. A request was made for this dynamic behavior be part of the engin ...
The Preview text display in the Font Editor does not apply the Sub-Font family settings. Only the Default Font Family and Fallback Font Family can be applied to the display. ...
When a specific configuration of HDR cvars are set, PIE in a New Editor Window will not render the game world. Settings (For DefaultEngine.ini): ```[SystemSettings] r.AllowHDR=1 r.HDR.Display.Color ...
When changing the language options in the default Lyra Starter Game project (5.3 and 5.4) with a controller, the settings menu loses focus after closing the confirmation dialog. Focus can only then ...
Even if we support double precision numbers at core, it's impossible to enter a small number in the numeric fields. It makes sense for floats and avoids bloating the UI, but I remember a discussio ...