This is technically a regression that was introduced in 5.5. This was intentionally changed in order to address a separate issue [Link Removed]. Additionally, this makes it explicit that the exposed ...
hThe use case of the licensee is that he used FindInBlueprints inside the Editor to find a particular text contained in BPs and later used that listing to recompile the BPs using the CompileAllBluep ...
When a property of a ChildActorComponent is modified in a child class, the parent ChildActorComponent class can also get modified. This happens when the Parent blueprint actor has a ChildActorCompo ...
Swapping the C++ Root Component from a Child BP class, pressing Save, Compile, but not Saving afterwards, will leave the Root Component in a locked state, meaning the it cannot be viewed or edited i ...
When diffing a blueprint in the Perforce changelist reviewer in-editor (Review Changelists), if the blueprint references an asset that does not exist locally but rather exists as a newly added asset ...
This appears to be an oversight with input parameters. UEdGraphSchema_K2::GetReplaceVariableMenu should also search the list of input parameters when finding matching replacements. ...
Consider a C++/BP class containing an EditAnywhere/InstanceEditable variable with type (UDataAsset*), (UPrimaryDataAsset*), or any of their subclasses. When setting this variable using a Property Ed ...
Triggering an actor component recompilation resets all the variables to the default state on spawned actors in the level. Users can unintentionally lose property settings on placed actors in a worl ...
Actors that are spawned from blueprints will no longer have their instigator automatically set to the instigator that spawned them. This is a regression in 5.5, because in 5.4 and earlier a null Ins ...
Child blueprints of a blueprint of a native actor class with sparse data can have an incorrectly null SparseClassDataStruct value, and thus fail to initialzie their SparseClassData. This affects edi ...