When a character is spawned from a template of an existing character instance, the existing instance loses the ability to read any input. This was discovered when testing the crash fix for [Link Re ...
Touch events registers as Keyboard Keys rather than a separate key type. ...
If an Actor that initiated a dynamic force feedback is destroyed, the rumble will never stop. ...
When using a flight stick as a raw input device, GenericUSBController Button # blueprint events will sometimes not be registered when clicked. In local testing, this occurred roughly once for every ...
If a project is packaged for Windows (32-bit), the packaged game does not receive any input from raw input device. Packaging for Windows (64-bit) does receive input as expected. Regression: No - R ...
If a raw input device is connected to the computer after starting the editor/packaged game, the device is not registered and input is not received unless the editor/game is closed and then restarted ...
The FRawInputDeviceConfiguration struct is not exposed so attempting to define custom raw input device configs fails with unresolved external errors when using: FRawInputDeviceConfiguration newConfi ...
After running "showdebug rawinput", axis properties will not be visible in the debug information on screen, until the user makes input on the non-XInput device. ...
REGRESSION No, occurs in 4.14.3 In VehicleGame, if the user runs a "showdebug" command (such as "showdebug animation" or *showdebug rawinput") while the starting countdown is going on, all input wi ...
Button Release fires off when a break point is hit even if the button is still held down. ...