This does not repro when physics substepping is disabled. The sequence of events in the character uncrouch code (UCharacterMovementComponent::UnCrouch) causes the capsule to move up then increase i ...
When an actor is spawned with Spawn Parameters that are templated the engine crashes when closing a scene. This wasn't happening when there wasn't a physics constraint on the spawned blueprint. Thi ...
When setting ComplexCollisionMesh of StaticMesh asset, CollisionPreset that is actually applied becomes the setting on the drawing mesh side. It seems that ComplexCollisionMesh is not considered in ...
Trying a Launch after every step shows that the problem occurs as soon as the GroomAssetSystem is added to Niagara. If the GroomAssetSystem is removed, the game launches fine (but the hair doesn't m ...
When using ComplexCollisionMesh of StaticMesh asset, at the time of hit, the physical material refers to the material of the drawing mesh side using the material index of the collision mesh side. T ...
The Gradient Tool rotates the camera on Mac instead of painting the Gradient End Value. I wasn't able to test in Main on a Mac. There were no issues on Windows in 4.23.1, 4.24.3 and 4.26 Main. Foun ...
ISMs will generate Hit Events but not Overlap Events. ...
Meshes that are colliding that are set as constraint actors don't follow the Physics Constraint Actors "Disable Collision" parameter if they are colliding prior to being set as constrained actors. ...
"viewmode collisionpawn" and "viewmode collisionvis" can not display complex collision meshes as well. ...