For Apex Destructible components, the un-fractured mesh rendered for each asset is the same and disappears when the component fractures, despite the physics bodies being correct. ...
Simulating the children bodies, but not the parent, of a skeletal mesh imported with a uniform scale not equal to 1, seems to ignore the imported scale, instead using their initial relative location ...
Changes to 'Project Settings -> Physics -> Physical Surface' do not update the Enum metadata of the EPhysicalSurface until Project Settings is re-opened. EPhysicalSurface Enum metadata is set i ...
This is a regression from 4.22.3 (CL-7053642) where this setup executed as expected. Toggling Collision Profiles in 4.23.1 (CL-9631420) and onward do not affect the Static Mesh and it acts as if it ...
A root component can be properly replicated, but non-root components won't have their collision replicated, only their visible mesh. ...
After adding a Cube to the Viewport and creating a Geometry Collection the Editor will crashing in the Vulkan RHI. This crash does not happen in DirectX or if the Geometry Collection is made before ...
Wake/Sleep events are not generated for components set to generate wake events after having a component not set to generate wake events welded to them. Wake/Sleep events are also not dispatched for ...
SetHitResultFromShapeAndFaceIndex calls if(PxMaterial* PxMat = PShape->getMaterialFromInternalFaceIndex(FaceIndex)) { OutResult.PhysMaterial = FPhysxUserData::Get<UPhysicalMaterial>(PxMat->userD ...
The skeleton tree search does not search for constraints based off of their full displayed name in the tree. Only their second bone name is used when filtering (despite portions of their full name s ...
When building UE 4.23 from source using VS 2019, there are compile errors when building the Targets DebugGame Client and Development Client. Note that Debug Client builds successfully. The errors ar ...