Collision thickness on landscape does not appear to work

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 27, 2015

Setting the collision thickness for the landscape does not appear to have any effect on any objects colliding with it. Setting the value to a negative or a positive has no effect. ...

Setting scale to 0 in any direction breaks overlap events

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 26, 2015

When the scale of an actor is set to 0 in either X, Y or Z any overlap events will fail to trigger overlap events. ...

A static object using 'Complex as simple' collision will not collide with a dynamic object that is simulating physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 20, 2015

If a static object has 'Use Complex collision as simple' set as its collision type, it'll collide with a player but will not collide with objects that are dynamically simulating physics. ...

Collision Boxes not set properly when using negative values

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 15, 2015

When using multiple collision boxes with the mesh scaled in a negative axis while the collision boxes are rotated that the rotation is not taken into account when using the negative scale. ...

If a component has been rotated at all, running ComponentSweepMulti on it does not return the correct position of any colliders on the component

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 14, 2015

ComponentSweepMulti does not return the correct location of colliders if the component that is passed in has been rotated at all. The actual collision on the object in the game will be correct. ...

LineTraceSingleByChannel returns a hit for any object it hits, regardless of whether or not that object has the specified collision channel set.

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 5, 2015

The collision channel specified in LineTraceSingleByChannel does not appear to be taken into account when the trace is performed. Instead of ignoring any objects that are not set to that channel, an ...

While using an Actor Component, Simulate Physics cannot be toggled with a Click Event if Substepping is enabled

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 29, 2015

While using an Actor Component, Simulate Physics cannot be toggled with a Click Event if Substepping is enabled. If Substepping is off, everything works fine. This seems to only happen if an Actor ...

Rolling ball physics bounces on flat landscape with low fps

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 21, 2015

It's been reported that using the rolling ball physics on a flat landscape will cause the rolling ball to bounce when it crosses a seam. It does not happen on every single seam, but it happens prett ...

Physics are inconsistent between PIE and Standalone

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 16, 2015

A user has found that they are seeing differences in how objects are affected by physics in Stand alone as apposed to PIE. While testing the amount of force applied to an object in the different pla ...

Standalone Game does not recognize actor blueprints with "Simulate Physics" active

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 16, 2015

If a blueprint has "Simulate Physics" active on a component, it will not render when running standalone game. ...