Clothing tool may generate an unsmooth display mesh on 4.26

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Mar 23, 2021

This is related to the optimization applied in CL#13181876. Binding simulation mesh to display mesh can't find the nearest triangle when a triangle is located near the AABB boundary. ...

Cloth painter hangs while pressing H to preview the masks

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Sep 8, 2020

The DerivedDataCache for the whole SkeletalMesh doesn't need to be rebuilt while previewing the mask painting, since it will be rebuilt when exiting the painter anyway.  ...

Chaos cloth simulation bounds are incorrectly rotated when using local space simulation

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Aug 18, 2020

The bounds are wrongly calculated when the bUseLocalSpaceSimulation property is set in the Chaos Cloth shared config, as it doesn't take into account the character rotation in the removal of the off ...

Cloth rendering issue on triangles sharing kinematic attachments.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 29, 2020

All render vertices on any cloth triangle that contains one or two fixed vertex are set as fixed, whereas this should only be the case if all three vertices were fixed. ...

ClothConfigNV is reset when reloading assets that had been saved with 4.24

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 21, 2020

The new config object is created with the same serialization name as the legacy one "ClothConfigNV", causing the legacy data to be reset prior to migration. Replacing In UClothingAssetCommon::AddCl ...

Allow ClothBlendWeight in sequencer

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 13, 2020

Cloth sim can't currently be blended on/off in sequencer. ...

Cloth doesn't unbind when emptying the Mesh Clothing Assets array

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jun 1, 2020

It looks like there's a hook missing to unbind the cloths before destruction of the array shown in the Clothing UI. ...

Random crash in UWindDirectionalSourceComponent::GetWindParameters

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - May 14, 2020

Duplicate object assert on ClothConfigNv object creation.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Apr 29, 2020

It looks like there are situations where the deprecated config hasn't finished loading before the config map items are recreated causing the assertion: Assertion: Attempting to replace an object th ...