Loading blueprint with soft actor reference during PIE corrupts data

UE - Foundation - Core - EditorLoader - Jun 13, 2024

The Soft Object Path loading code has special case logic for loading from Play In Editor, which tries to remap paths from the editor version of a map to instead point to an actor in a specific clien ...

LoadingScreen by MoviePlayer doesn't support Material in UE5.4

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 6, 2024

An assert crash is now triggered when set a widget using material to WidgetLoadingScreen of FLoadingScreenAttributes then call FDefaultGameMoviePlayer::SetupLoadingScreen(). The ensureMsgf in quest ...

RayTracingGeometry.UpdateRHI(); crashes at checkf BuildParams.IsEmpty()

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 22, 2024

When custom RayTracingGeometry is created, a crash is triggered by an assert at: Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Rendering\RayTracingGeometryManager.cpp line 252  "Unexpected entries in BuildP ...

XR -ARKit - Tracked Planes are not attached to the real world objects when moving the camera around

UE - Platform - XR - May 22, 2024

When the user attempts to place an object on a tracked plane it slides around the environment not staying in the expected place. Using the ARDebugcheck project with the show planes option you can se ...

Crash when locate_bound_objects is called

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 14, 2024

This has been tested internally using an editor utility widget yielding the same results. That small project is attached. BoundingObjectTest. 1) Open the project 2) Run the Editor Utility Widget ...

Cached camera component on LevelSequencePlayer is null

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 14, 2024

PackedLevelActors are not updated when changing some properties

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - May 13, 2024

Packed level actors may not be updated after changing certain properties. Workaround: reload the level containing the PLA. ...

Wires to PCG nodes with translated properties are cut

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - PCG Graph - Apr 19, 2024

Some PCG nodes have translated properties, which will cause wires to be cut. This is why things PCG biome sample maps do not work correctly in CJK language settings. The workaround is to set the lan ...

Crash during shader compilation when r.Shaders.Optimize=0

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Mar 11, 2024

The primary shader crashing is "FVisualizeLumenSceneCS" which I've put in the callstack section, but I think this is more likely a binding problem as I'm also see the following crash with cloud shad ...