HUD can cause a crash when used with Mobile. "When running from visual studio exception happens here: ...
Performing a Hot Reload after creating a custom UClass class can result in a crash. This was reported on Linux, but reproduced on Windows. Additional testing will be done on Linux to confirm the is ...
Ray Traced Global Illumination is causing some materials to glow extremely bright Disabling r.raytracing.globalillumination.denoiser fixes the issue In 4.22 preview 5 binary (5365847) the result i ...
The unpossessd controller will not be removed from UWorld::ControllerList unless destroyed. This causes null access to the ControllerList when GC occurs during seamless travel execution. The unposse ...
MDL downloaded from Substance Source causes a crash. This is reported on UDN by an Enterprise customer: ...
Disabling the Decal DBuffer in the Project Settings>Rendering causes the Decals to not render on geometry that overlap their respective Decal Actor. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22 (CL - 5 ...
When using Lighting Scenario, loading order will affect how it's applied to the instances, resulting in corruption if content is loaded after the lighting scenario ...
After disabling Static Lighting, shadows only render for Tessellated Landscape when being selected in the World Outliner instead of rendering all of them regardless if it is selected. Tested in 4.2 ...
Unable to package a CPP project with Bitcode enabled Confirmed in 4.23 MAIN @ CL 5291468 ...
This issue appears to be the result of the fix for [Link Removed] which removed RPCUtility from the Engine. A licensee noted that they were now seeing an issue when attempting to generate project fi ...