When a project is launching on an iOS device, there is a momentary flash between when the splash screen stops displaying and the game window opens. This flash is present even when using transition ...
When a variable is set to Skip Owner replication, it is still being replicated to the owner in a packaged game. This is inconsistent with the behavior in the editor, as testing this using Play in Ne ...
"Set Playback Position" to the end of the sequence stops it at current playback position ...
The color picker window stays open if the Eye Dropper tool selects color from anywhere other than the viewport. The color is captured in the color picker before it closes, but makes it a nightmare t ...
The stationary light overlap view mode doesn't work properly in the forward renderer. Everything gets a red highlight making it impossible to see overlap. Images attached. ...
When using the DoOnce MultiInput node in blueprints, deleting a newly added pin on the input side will not delete its corresponding output pin. Adding a new pin after that will create the result lik ...
This is the same issue as UE-41313 but is showing up in the release branch.[2017.04.12-21.37.50:215][354]LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.16/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Pub ...
Both internally in a handful of one-off cases and externally we've seen cases where material functions have incorrectly resolved causing a crash trying to use the input/output expressions. Most case ...
Looks related to [Link Removed], but it appears that something was overlooked. Probably requires a similar fix for the delegate node. ...
MDW: In progress (Dev-AnimPhys CL 3392820) When calling GetSkinnedVertexPosition on a skeletal mesh that uses the same skeleton as a different skeletal mesh with a slightly different bone hierarchy ...